Ethan Yoo

Pronouns: he/him

Equity and social science

Tags: Data and research methods. Public policy.

Fouché, R. (2024, Spring). Embracing the social in social science. Issues in Science and Technology, 40(3), 78–83.

Most importantly, the formation of questions itself is a site of power. The questions we as a society ask science to address both reflect and create the values and power dynamics of social systems, whether the scientific disciplines recognize this influence or not. […] Moving forward, how do we, as researchers, develop questions that not only welcome intellectual variety within the sciences but also embrace the diversity represented in societies?

Plamondon, K. M., & Shahram, S. Z. (2024). Defining equity, its determinants, and the foundations of equity science. Social Science and Medicine, 351, 116940.

This introduction to equity science is an invitation and challenge to others in global, public and population health and health sciences to move beyond an EDI rhetoric. We offer a structured set of methods, tools, and approaches to inform the transformational, interventional, and systems-changing work of collectively shaping more equitable futures at the heart of our shared aspirations for closing the gap in this generation.